Sign 6 Face 10
Sign 6 Face 9
Structure #6
Sign: 14′ by 48′ two sided billboard.
Face # 9: Facing east.
Impressions: 396,889
Face #10: Facing West
Impressions: 512,334
Latitude and Longitude: 39.919612, -86.108094
Zip Code: 46240
Location: This sign is located adjacent to I-465 at the upscale Keystone Crossing Shopping Center. This is one of the premier billboard locations in north Indianapolis.
Illuminated: Yes
Here is a video of the east face of sign 6 taken while travelling westbound on I-465
Here is a video of the west face of Sign 6 taken while driving east on I-465.
To Advertise: Contact Duane Fredrickson, [email protected], 612-616-8133, or use the form below.